How China is increasingly gaining control of Hong Kong

Since 2019, China has continued to increase its grip on Hong Kong. Freedoms that the island enjoyed for years are further eroding and people are leaving the country en masse. China correspondent Garrie van Pinxteren returned four years after her last visit and tells how the free city she once knew now seems to have changed forever.

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Read further

The outflow from Hong Kong is large and embarrassing for China. ‘The Hong Kong I came from no longer exists’

Critical works of art also disappear into the depot in the Hong Kong museum M+

In Hong Kong, teachers only dare to read out literally what they receive from the government

In Hong Kong, the press does not know how free the press still is

Garrie van Pinxteren
Floor Boon
Ignace Schoot & Iris Verhulsdonk
Bass van Win
Henk Ruigrok van der Werven
EPA/Bertha Wang
