How can Gordon save his skin? ‘Say sorry more often!’

Gordon is without a lucrative TV or radio contract for the first time in decades, because media bosses fear his behavior. How can he save his skin? “Say sorry more often!”


No one expected it, but Gordon really does it: he likes his departure social media consistently full. And that Insta exit is really his best decision in a while. The amount of negative reporting about the TV star has noticeably decreased, which makes it easier for him to make a new start. Or is it already too late for that?

Beau’s long career

Gordon may be keeping quiet, but as soon as he shows up, the emotional circus can of course start again at any moment. Then angry at that one again, then a sneer at that one again. How can he control himself? In fact, he would do well to follow his TV colleague Beau van Erven Dorens, says opinion divo Victor Vlam.

The apologies that Beau recently made to Evert Santegoeds are exemplary, according to the media critic. With a handy video, the presenter managed to smother all criticism of his person in one go and even better: turn it into something positive. “I think this is also one of the reasons why Beau has such a long career in Hilversum.”

Example for Goor

A good example for Goor, Victor thinks. “When I compare him to someone like Gordon… He almost always refuses to apologize! I feel like: if Gordon would apologize more often, he would probably get a new television contract now.”

The male Angela de Jong continues in his always entertaining podcast The Communicados: “Gordon makes rude jokes and that’s okay – then you also have to accept that you go too far every now and then – but if you just make excuses openly, then I think people are just prepared to accept that.”

Fifteen flops

But isn’t Gordon also bothered by all those television flops in his name? Victor actually listed them once. “Yes, those flops are a big problem, but I also think that he is unmanageable for many TV channel management. Gordon is someone who is a loose cannon is, so to speak.”

He concludes: “If he just tried to be reasonable a little more, tried to acknowledge every now and then that he made a mistake, then I think many people would accept those sharp edges more.”
