How are they going to try to steal your money?

12/08/2023 at 11:47


Requests for food donations or help to people who need shelter, among the cruel tactics used by cybercriminals at Christmas

The christmas festivities They often inspire generosity and solidarity, but unfortunately, they are also a Good time for cybercriminals to take advantage of emotions from the people in order to perpetrate scams. In this context, scams related to charitable donations have become fertile ground for those seeking to steal money in a cunning and ruthless way.

Every year, the attackers They perfect their tricks, creating fake non-profit companies or websites that imitate well-known charities. The phishing emails They are a recurring tool that they use successfully to deceive well-intentioned people.

Cybercriminals will take advantage of the holiday season to submit heartwarming requests for donations to deliver food or to help those who need shelter during the harsh winter. Furthermore, they are expected to change their tactics, using current affairs as a decoy. Humanitarian situations, natural disasters and conflicts will serve as bait to deceive unsuspecting people.

Attackers’ methods are diverse and cover all possible channels. From emails and social media messages to phone calls, printed materials and advertisementsimpostors will use any means to deceive their victims.

Faced with this threat, the best defense is prevention. Some key measures include Work directly with legitimate and established charities. Instead of clicking on donation links from unsolicited messages, It is recommended to type the organization’s web address directly into the browser.
