How are the new strategies to live longer and better

It is likely that the person who is going to live 150 years has already been born. The advances of science and technology are such that life expectancy is getting longer. According to a United Nations report, in 2020 the number of people over 60 years of age exceeded that of children under 5 and it is expected that by 2050 older adults will double, to more than 1.5 billion.

In this world longevity path, a key question appears: under what conditions will we reach that deadline? To answer it, it is not enough to look at genetics or technological advances: it is increasingly clear that there is a lot of habits, life choices and behavior in the way we age. Here are guidelines for active and healthy adulthood.

Active and accompanied

One of the main recommendations for transit the elderly with well-being is to stay active. According to WHOolder people should accumulate a minimum of between 150 and 300 minutes of medium-intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week, or a minimum of between 75 and 150 minutes of slightly more intense intensity, or a combination of both.

“What they do doesn’t matter so much as that they can sustain it over time, and for that it must be something that they enjoy. My recommendation is to find a partner to do it with, whether it’s going for a walk with the dog or doing pilates with a friend. That means that if one fails, the other pushes”, suggests Daniel Tangonarenowned trainer and gerontologist.

And although he insists on finding the activity that provides the most enjoyment, he recommends that it be multicomponent: varied between strength and aerobic training and with priority to balance exercise, a vital condition for a stage in which a fall can be sudden. “They should start with small doses and increase their duration, frequency and intensity, being as active as their functional level allows,” adds the specialist.

The idea of ​​sociability not only allows motivation, but also hits the key to another of the great needs of old age. A full emotional life decreases the feeling of loneliness, strengthens memory and keeps the mind active, while improving mood.

It is that at this age loneliness is one of the greatest ghosts, which if it materializes can lead to depression. In a study conducted at Harvard by psychiatrist and researcher Robert Waldinger (who has followed the lives of 724 men for 78 years, one of the longest investigations on the subject), one of the most valuable conclusions was that the time we spend with others it protects us from the blows of life, as it means a memory to treasure and with which to be happy on a daily basis.

“The affective issue is vital in older adults, and goes beyond the participation of the family. It also has to do with their peers, having a social circle with whom to share leisure and leisure activities”, he points out. Hernán Fainzaig, executive director of The Senior Homea center for the elderly that is a pioneer in working with groups to share recreation and healthy routines.

In fact, these centers are recommended for perform interactions in spaces where various activities such as kinesiology, occupational therapy, cinema, debate, music, choirs, etc. are shared. “All this makes his life and his days have meaning. They can find new outlets, but above all new friends”, encourages Fainzaig.

outings with friends

nourished and rested

Another key point is feeding. “We know that as we age, so do our internal organs, so the body needs better nutrition,” says Tangona, who also emphasizes the importance of not going to sleep heavy, taking care to eat less in the evening meal. night.

In addition to maintaining the intake of the most recognized healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals, it is recommended to limit the consumption of others such as sugars, simple carbohydrates, greasy or irritating foods. Also, it must increase fiber intake, since intestinal transit slows down over the years. And water is another vital point: during old age the percentage of hydration in the body decreases, so the recommendation of two liters a day is accentuated, although it can include juices and broths.

Tangona also points to the importance of seek a good rest. Although at this stage of life it is usually difficult, since sleep becomes lighter and daytime naps slightly reduce the desire to sleep at night, training prescribed beforehand can be a good solution to this, because it allows more tired at bedtime.

friends meeting

technology and happiness

Technological advances have also focused on older adults, although generally on those with greater requirements. “There are already walkers that have object sensors in the path, and that can indicate if the posture with which it is being used is good or bad,” describes the doctor Daniel Martínez, medical director of The Senior Home.

Another ally is the apps that link with blood pressure monitors and they can send their data directly to the professional in charge of the person, registering any anomaly and alerting them to changes in blood pressure or heart rate.

Taking pills is a habit that is also difficult to maintain, especially because of the possibility of forgetfulness. For this there are special apps, and also smart dispensers that provide the medication only at the right time.

And if we talk about security, they already exist panic button bracelets to activate alarms against chest pains or falls. “In the experimental phase there are robots that can be kept at home that detect the same thing and make the call to the emergency service,” says Martínez.

Finally, the last challenge for a fulfilling old age is to find one’s own happiness formula and do more of everything that makes us happy. This is closely related to controlling stress and knowing how to enjoy the present, as well as living in peace with oneself.

“For this stage of life to also be powerful, I recommend learning to instrument own measurement of happiness”, points out Tangona. That is, take note of what is good for us and not only repeat it, but appreciate it and thank it. Mindfulness, relaxation and meditation practices can help foster this state and make it a habit that promotes good mental and emotional health. “We are not only what we eat and how we rest, but also what we think,” synthesizes the coach.

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