“How are Gordon’s dogs?”

Gordon and his dogs: there was a time when this topic made headlines all the time. But what the hell happened to those critters? Private star Jan Uriot wonders.

© SBS, Telegraph

Rarely has there been so much controversy about celebrity pets as about Gordon’s: the dogs Toto and Rocco. They even had their own Instagram page, which has been inactive for half a year now. How are those dogs doing when their owner is constantly flying all over the world? Star private journalist Jan Uriot wonders.

Worry about dogs

It keeps Jan busy, he admits in his column What does Jan think. “Do you know what worries me? No one worries about that and I do, because I am an animal lover, and that is: how are those dogs?

Colleague Pim Sedee: “You never see anything like that again, do you?”

John: “No. Rocco, Toto, I don’t know. Toto is very sick, isn’t he? He was already in the animal hospital in Dubai last year, because he has the same thing as his owner: diabetes. You should laugh, but you shouldn’t laugh about it. No, but those dogs really have…”


Pim thinks that’s crazy. “A dog with diabetes?”

“Yeah, weird isn’t it? Yes. What will that yield…”, says Jan, referring to Gordon’s mood swings. “No, but ehhh… So we’ve seen a lot of Gordon and he stops with Insta again and then he goes back on, but we don’t see those dogs anywhere anymore. We haven’t seen those dogs in months.”

‘What happened?’

Jan would like to receive an update. “What happened to that? Because he is no longer in Dubai, he is in Bali, those dogs do not travel with him. Of course I have often said: you should not lug those dogs all over the world and certainly not put them in the desert with such a flat nose. You shouldn’t do that, you know.”

Pim: “Is Bali becoming Gordon’s new home?”

Jan: “So I don’t know. A nice place, but I want to know where those dogs are, so bring on those pictures.”


The last picture of the Gordon dogs is from December:
