Houston we have a problem: the most remembered failures of NASA

The take off of Artemisin a new series of space missions of the POT to Moon, was delayed by a fuel leak. And she revived doubts about the safety of space travel.

The conquest of space is worth risking your life“, He said Guss Grissoncommander of Apollo 1, when the American space race was in head-to-head competition with the Soviet.

A month later, a fire inside his capsule would end his life and that of Edward White and Roger Chafee, during a ground test, on January 27, 1967.

and the list of fatal accidents in the history of POT was about to increase three years later, when one of the oxygen tanks in the module of the Apollo 13 exploded.

The crew, made up of Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert and Fred Haiselived for 4 days, one of the most remembered space survival dramas.

The mission was rated as “the most successful failure” in the words of the celebrated NASA Flight Director, Gene Kranz. And it is that the list of failures and errors of NASA is truly short, with half a dozen documented failures.

failed NASA missions

The most notorious was the accident that led to the space shuttle Challenge explosionr, on Tuesday, January 27, 1986. Francis “Dick” Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, Judith Resnik, and Christa McAuliffe, lost their lives on takeoff.

A gasket on right rocket failed and caused a structural disaster. A special commission appointed by President Ronald Reagan concluded that the organizational culture of the POT had contributed substantially to the accident.

The accident caused stoppage of flights for thirty-two months. And it was one of the causes for the discredit of the US space agency.

The explosion of the Challenger.

in which the doubts about landing on the moon: Records were lost in the mid-1980s. They discovered that the originals of the recordings were no longerand that they had recorded other things on top of them because supposedly there were few tapes at that time and they were all reused.

An error that is added to several others in putting satellites into orbit. The Mars Climate Orbitera satellite designed to study the climate of Mars, completely disintegrated upon arrival at destination.

And the engineers used the English measurement scale, while the rest of the team used the metric system. The difference caused it to enter with a lower trajectory than necessary and its engines failed due to overheating.

failed NASA missions

The NOAA-19another satellite that would be used to send weather information, was damaged before it could be launched because the men who put it together forgot to screw it down. The repair cost was 135 million dollars.

The darta satellite launched in 2005 with the intention of repairing other satellites in space, did the opposite: hit the satellite and was lost in the space.

Finally, the space probe Mars Polar Lander Its mission was to study if there was water on Mars. But upon reaching the red planet, crashed to the floor by shutting down the engines early.

by RN

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