Housing association wants to give elderly people a better chance of getting a senior home and is adjusting the points system

Housing association Den Helder will adjust the points system to give older home seekers a better chance of finding a senior home. From now on, if you have a job in the region, you will receive fewer points when registering for social housing. In addition, the points for economic bonding no longer count for senior housing.

The demand for (social) rental housing has increased explosively in recent years, Housing Foundation Den Helder has also noticed. “We are experiencing more than 400 responses to a home,” says Housing Foundation spokesperson Sander Quartel. “We therefore see that in the current housing market a group of home seekers is less likely to be considered.”

The housing association is therefore appropriate to give everyone a fair chance at a home the points system. You will soon receive fewer points for the number of years you have lived in the region, and you will also receive fewer points due to economic ties. Now you get 3,000 to sometimes 5,000 extra points if you have a job in or near Den Helder. From March you will receive ‘only’ 1,500 extra points for a job. Moreover, they do not count for senior housing.

You will also not receive any additional points accrual for the first five years that you live in the region, while you now receive extra points from one year onwards. Quartel: “Unfortunately, the new points system does not solve the housing shortage. But it does ensure that a group of home seekers who are currently not properly addressed will soon have a better chance of finding a home sooner.”


It is clear that change is desired comments on social media about the points system in Den Helder. “I have more than 1,200 points and can’t even get a garage,” says one. And another: “My son has about 3,800 points and is still close to 200 and has been registered for more than four years.” But also: “You just have to be lucky. I was just registered again a year ago, was sixth or seventh and everyone before me rejected the house.”
