Housing association puts an end to benefits mother’s lawsuit | 1Limburg

Housing association Woonwenz and allowance affair mother Sylvana de Wit from Arcen no longer meet in court. Woonwenz waives a lawsuit against the tenant, who was unable to pay her rent for months.

According to the housing association, contact has now been made with the victim of the allowance scandal and her lawyer Pejman Salim to look for a solution.

Also read: Victim of allowance affair should not be put out on the street

Sylvana is very happy with the verdict of the summary proceedings of the office judge in Roermond. At first it was hard for her to comprehend that she had won the lawsuit. “Yes, I am very relieved. Now I can continue to live here with my children and the children can also stay here at school and build a stable life,” says Sylvana.

Contact wanted
The housing association wanted to evict Sylvana because of her rent arrears of more than 6000 euros. On Monday, the judge in Roermond ruled in summary proceedings that that would not happen. Woonwenz should have arranged debt counseling, but according to the housing association there have been contact moments with the debt counseling agency and Sylvana. “We contacted them in several ways, such as by e-mail and by telephone,” says director of Woonwenz Frank van Engelen. Sylvana agrees that she has been in contact by email.

The housing association was negligent in this: Woonwenz should have made more effort to contact the benefits mother. Woonwenz admits that they have fallen short in this regard. “I really care about that afterwards,” says van Engelen. “We should have done more to get in touch. For example, we should have stopped by and had a chat with her. There probably were things that had been started there that hadn’t gone this way,” said van Engelen.
