House prices in Drenthe have risen by 80 percent since the crisis

In Drenthe, the average sales value of an owner-occupied home has increased considerably. In the first quarter of this year, the price of an average house in Drenthe was 80 percent higher than in the second quarter of 2013, when house prices were at their lowest point.

This is apparent from an analysis of recently updated figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) by ANP/LocalFocus. Statistics Netherlands calculates the development of house prices using a price index, whereby, in addition to the purchase price of houses sold, characteristics such as location, year of construction and energy label are also taken into account.

The increase in the sales value of homes was greatest in North Drenthe. Last quarter the increase in that region was 82.9 percent. In Southeast Drenthe the last quarter was an increase of 79.2 percent, in Southwest Drenthe it was 77.5 percent.

An average Dutch house had risen in price by more than 90 percent in the first quarter of this year compared to the second quarter of 2013. The increase is greatest in and around Haarlem: this is an average price increase of more than 130 percent since the nadir of the crisis. The increase was most limited in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.
