House of Representatives Zoff! Teacher shortage not on the agenda

Berlin currently has too few teachers and too few school places

Berlin currently has too few teachers and too few school places Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By Stephen Peter

Education Senator Astrid-Sabine Busse (64, SPD) went down Thursday. She inspected the new building in the upper school center for automotive technology and also took the car elevator down to the basement. Almost at the same time there was a lot of trouble about her politics in the House of Representatives.

The chic new building on Gierkeplatz (Charlottenburg) is dedicated entirely to electric mobility – so that prospective car mechanics can also repair electric cars. “A good investment of ten million,” said Busse to the applause of the opening guests.

The atmosphere in Parliament was rather bad. The CDU wanted to talk about the lack of teachers and school places in the education committee. But the topic did not make it onto the agenda – the red-green-red majority was against it. Outraged, Union MP Katharina Günther-Wünsch (39) spontaneously invited to the press conference.

“There are at least 1,000 teachers missing for the 2022/23 school year and almost 400 students have not yet been offered a place at a secondary school,” said the CDU politician. “But there are no answers for everything. Ms. Busse ducks away where she is clearly responsible.”

Therefore, the Union brings in the next parliamentary session a censure motion against the school senator.

The education administration doubts that 400 places for students in the 7th grade are missing. The number is much lower, around 160. And the problem will be solved by the start of the school year.

When Senator Busse reappeared from the basement, she assured the BZ: “No student has to worry that there is no school place for them in Berlin. That goes without saying.”


House of Representatives Astrid-Sabine Busse School
