House of Representatives throws up Johan Derksen after fierce statement about Jews

Johan Derksen also causes disgust in politicians in The Hague with his statements about Jews. Mirjam Bikker thinks it’s terrible that something like this is shown on TV, Alexander Hammelburg wants an apology.


The viewers of Today Inside did not see it coming at all last night: shortly after the bloody attack by Hamas on a festival site in Israel, Johan Derksen shouted on Monday evening ‘that the Jews kind of asked for it’. It causes an extreme amount of commotion; many people think he went too far.

Mirjam distances herself

Politics in The Hague is also making itself heard. Christian Union party leader Mirjam Bikker finds it objectionable, she says good morning Netherlands. “I distance myself from such words. They are terrorist, terrible acts. We just saw the images and what that means for people who were just celebrating in the desert.”

She continues: “They are shot, women are raped, children are kidnapped. Sorry, but these kinds of words really don’t fit in with that and I distance myself as much as possible from them.”

Terrible television

Mirjam cannot believe that this is being broadcast on a channel like SBS 6. “I think it’s terrible that this is shown on our TV, while we know that terrorists have sown death and destruction here.”

She continues: “Of course you have to talk about how Israel and Palestinians live together and that a long-term solution that brings peace must be looked at, but that is separate from what Hamas has shown at the moment and also what terror is still there. is being sown all the time.”

No excuses whatsoever

CDA MP Derk Boswijk finds it objectionable. “There is no excuse for terror. We don’t ask that question about September 11, but we say: ‘Yes, they made it a bit like that too.’ Or the people in Bataclan or the attacks in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, that we say: ‘Yes, those people also asked for that.’”

He continues The Telegraph: “No, terror can never be justified. Am I saying that everything Israel has done is fine? No, Israel has also done things that you think are unacceptable, but that is no excuse for the terror we saw last weekend.”

Out of the bend

Derk Boswijk believes that Johan encourages anti-Semitism. “You immediately start generalizing and anti-Semitism is always very close. I hope and don’t think he meant it that way, but that’s how he expressed it. I think communicating in this way on this theme is very unwise.”

VVD’s Ruben Brekelmans is annoyed by it. “I think Johan went off course in two ways. He lumped the government of Israel in with the Jews and of course that is not the case. The second is that they would have made it their own way, but nothing can legitimize the terrible terror of Hamas.”


D66 MP Alexander Hammelburg believes that Johan should apologize. “It is yet another scandalous comment if I may be completely honest. I have great difficulty with that. He should never have said that and I also hope that he apologizes for that.”

And former MP Han ten Broeke: “It is astonishing what Johan Derksen said. He knows more about football.”
