House of Representatives in debate with Rutte about peasant violence: ‘This is a trench war’ | Inland

GL leader Klaver has requested an emergency debate with the prime minister. That debate could not be held until Thursday evening, because Prime Minister Rutte was at the NATO summit in Madrid. PvdA leader Kuiken wants to know whether the police are prepared for large-scale actions as announced for Monday. She also wants to know whether the football law can be used and whether the rioting farmers ‘can be regarded as members of a criminal organization’. She accuses Prime Minister Rutte of not taking ‘direction’ in the nitrogen debate.


According to BBB leader Van der Plas, ‘there is great despair’ among farmers. She also calls on Rutte to ‘take control’ in the nitrogen approach. “Not only among farmers, the unrest in society has been slumbering for a long time,” says Van der Plas. She argues for a ‘mediator’ who should calm the mood between farmers and the government. According to Van der Plas, there is talk of a ‘trench war’. Rutte says it seems to him a ‘good idea’ to appoint ‘someone’ who can initiate that conversation. “But I am not going to sit down with rioters,” said Rutte. However, the prime minister says that ‘speed and objectives’ of the nitrogen approach are not being discussed. The cabinet will come up with a proposal for an independent mediator within a week.


PvdD leader Ouwehand suggests making it a crime to demonstrate with tractors. She also proposes to introduce a ban for demonstrators to stay near the home of a minister.

CDA member Boswijk was in The Hague on Tuesday evening when farmers showed up at his family’s house. He decided on Wednesday to stay home for the rest of the week to protect his family. D66 MP De Groot was also threatened earlier. According to VVD party chairman Hermans, ‘boundaries have been far, far exceeded’. On questions from PVV leader Wilders, Hermans indicates that she also wants to conduct a ‘reconciliation conversation’.

‘Destruction consultation’

At the same time, Hermans says he does not want to tamper with the established goals. According to Wilders, there is therefore a ‘destruction meeting’. He says it is ‘heating all over the Netherlands’. He calls the ‘suffering of farmers unbearable’. He calls on farmers to obey the law and not to visit them at home.

CDA party leader Heerma asked Hermans for support for the plan to appoint a reconciliation committee with an independent chairman to restart the conversation between farmers and the cabinet. “To normalize the relationships,” says Heerma. CU leader Segers also argues for a mediator. That is salient, because there is a lot of criticism of CU agriculture minister Staghouwer, who failed to outline perspectives for the agricultural sector.

‘Tractors confiscated’

GL leader Klaver asks whether the cabinet is prepared to use all means to stop the violence. He proposes to confiscate tractors if there are disturbances during Monday’s protest announced. Protesters may block distribution centers next Monday, so that goods can no longer go to supermarkets. “For anyone who thinks, I’m going to participate on Monday: please don’t do it. We know that things will get out of hand,” said Klaver.

Prime Minister Rutte calls it ‘unacceptable’ that politicians are hindered in their work. “It is also unacceptable for drivers to be pressured and for people to fear for their safety on the highway,” he said. “We are a civilized country. A small group of people ruin it for a large group of farmers who are concerned.”

Criminals look for politicians

Rutte says he wants to see, together with justice minister Yeşilgöz, whether demonstrations at home can be criminalized. Yeşilgöz is also ‘in close consultation’ with parties about farmer actions for next Monday. She also wants to act in a de-escalating manner. “But the police are making preparations and the Mobile Unit or the Marechaussee can intervene where necessary. The lower limit is: we will not be intimidated.” Yeşilgöz also says that there is ‘close cooperation’ with the armed forces to seize agricultural vehicles, for example in case of dangerous behaviour.

On the criticism that Rutte is invisible in the nitrogen approach, he says: “I care about this, I will see what I can do better. That doesn’t mean I’m taking over the file; that remains with the minister. But when it comes to explaining the nitrogen policy, it is important that I am clearly visible.”
