Hours of use against climate adhesive higher than in all football games

From September 13, climate adhesives in Berlin want to ensure major road blockades again

From September 13, climate adhesives in Berlin want to ensure major road blockades again Photo: picture alliance / ZUMAPRESS.com / BZ Montage

By Axel Lier

From September 13, the climate stickers want to paralyze large blockades in the city – and that until Christmas. A comment from BZ chief reporter Axel Lier.

Something’s coming our way! The “last generation” wants to get back on the streets of the capital. What the Berlin motorists will unfortunately have to reckon with again in a few days: traffic jams at peak times, waiting times, police operations, stress.

Police President Barbara Slowik presented numbers to the Interior Committee on Monday that make you sit up and take notice. The hours of action against the climate stickers are higher than in all Berlin football games of the last season combined! What cannot be quantified in terms of time: the subsequent writing and investigative work on all blockades and deeds.

I imagine the cops could step into the drug parks instead. Drive more patrols in neighborhoods where break-ins are more common again. Or put handcuffs on thieves and muggers – in fact, they have to brush the hands of climate gluers who have prepared their actions in churches with cooking oil.

Nevertheless, motorists have to wait for the officials with the oil – vigilante justice is still not an option. The chief of police promised swift and consistent action against the climate stickers. Let’s measure them by their words.


Barbara Slowik Berlin Traffic Berlin Police Climate Activists Climate Adhesive Last Generation
