“Hour of the winter birds” – this is how you take part in the bird count

The nature conservation association

The nature conservation association “Nabu” is calling for bird counts. Anyone who recognizes a great spotted woodpecker like this can report it Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

How many sparrows, great tits and blackbirds flutter through our metropolitan areas? In order to get an overview, scientists depend on reports. From January 6th counting will start again.

Whether with a smartphone or pen and paper: the nature conservation association Nabu will have birds counted from January 6th to 8th as part of the “Hour of the Winter Birds”.

Anyone who wants to take part simply counts the birds at a location of their choice in the settlement area for an hour.

This can be, for example, a garden, a balcony, a window or the city park. From a quiet place, count how many birds of a species can be seen at the same time.

The observations can be made via the app at www.nabu.de/vogelweltamong www.stundenderwintervoegel.de or under www.nabu.de/onlinemeldung until to January 16th be reported.

In addition, the number 0800 1157 115 has been set up for telephone reports on January 7 and 8 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The website also has help on identifying the birds.


Nabu Guide: Garden and Animals Birds Winter
