Hotel Postma: Six children, six life choices

From the beginning of the last century to the end of the seventies, Hotel Postma stood in the heart of Emmen. Older residents will mainly associate the now demolished hotel with collaboration with the German occupiers during the Second World War. The history of the operators makes it clear that this view has been somewhat too narrow. The Second World War had a huge impact on the Postma family.

In addition to father Sjouke and mother Janna, the family consisted of sons Jacob, Hennie, Klaas, Joop, Bert and daughter Frouwkje. The war led to choices within the family, as a result of which the Postma children experienced the war from all sides. And as a result, sometimes came to be diametrically opposed to each other. Some opt for the NSB or the SS. One ends up with the resistance and another endures hardships in a concentration camp in the Dutch East Indies. After the war, this echoes for a long time, also within succeeding generations. Six people who were all affected in different ways by the Second World War. These are their stories.
