Hot water or burns: how to react correctly

Not just one light burns, but several: The Advent wreath should be as stable and secure as possible - i.e. not on a table runner

Not just one light burns, but several: The Advent wreath should be as stable and secure as possible – i.e. not on a table runner Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

From BZ/dpa

The Advent wreath, the preheated oven, the steaming tea: a moment of inattention and it happened: the child was burned or scalded. What to do?

Whether or not you should remove your child’s clothing after a burn injury depends on the type of accident.

In the event of scalding – for example from hot tea – the substance must be removed from the body because it stores the hot liquid.

This is pointed out by Adelheid Gottwald from “Paulinchen – Initiative for Children with Burns”. This also applies to the diaper.

It’s different with burns. Here parents should not remove the clothes themselves.

“Sometimes the detachment of the burnt-in sweater causes greater damage,” says Gottwald. The professionals in the hospital do a better job there.

In any case, in the event of burn injuries, parents should not be afraid to call the emergency number 112.


First Aid Fire Household Guides: Family and Children Accident
