Hospitals collect medical devices for Ukraine

Hospitals collect medical devices for Ukraine

Several hospitals in the Netherlands have started collecting medical devices for Ukraine. They can be sent to hospitals in that country. Doctors and nurses there are faced with many shortages due to the Russian invasion.

The OLVG in Amsterdam, among others, collects things. This concerns medical devices for birth care and paediatrics. Employees of the St. Antonius hospital (Utrecht, Nieuwegein and Woerden) have collected infusion fluid, compresses and gloves, among other things.

Radboudumc in Nijmegen previously donated fifty hospital beds that were no longer needed to a foundation that collects resources for Ukraine.

Rijnstate Hospital in Arnhem is not yet participating in aid campaigns for Ukraine, but will “definitely consider joining targeted, meaningful actions if the opportunity arises”. The hospital in Gelderland says that the war in Ukraine is “against all human rights. We are horrified to see how the actions of those in power go against all moral values ​​that we as the Rhine state want to uphold and seem far removed from what the population wants”.
