Hospitalizations have doubled. Current about COVID on February 1

When the coronavirus becomes similar to the common flu, children from the age of six were selected to study the children’s Sputnik, in St. Petersburg, teenagers were forbidden to go to cafes and restaurants. Actual about the pandemic – in the review of RBC


Russia Moscow Peace

0 (per day)

got infected


0 (per day)


0 (per day)

got infected


0 (per day)


0 (per day)

got infected


0 (per day)


Source: JHU, Federal and Regional Virus Control Headquarters

Situation in Russia

More than 120 thousand cases were detected in the country per day – 125,836 people, 663 of the previously sick patients died. The total number of infected exceeded 11.9 million, more than 10.2 million people recovered. Died, according to the operational headquarters, more than 332 thousand. During the day, 17.4 thousand people were admitted to hospitals – 92.4% more than the day before.

How the number of new cases of Covid-19 infection is changing in Russia

Source: federal and regional headquarters for combating coronavirus

Data for Russia i

The chief freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health, Vladimir Chulanov, told in an interview with RBC whether it is fair to consider Omicron a mild strain, what are the chances of vaccinated people getting infected with it, and whether this will be the “final boss” after which the pandemic will end.

Chulanov – RBC: It is naive to think that the evolution of COVID will stop on the omicron

  • By the autumn of this year, coronavirus may become a seasonal disease, Denis Protsenko, chief physician of hospital No. 40 in Kommunarka, believes.

  • There are fears that the level of vaccination of children in Russia will be lower than that of the adult population, Sergey Voznesensky, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the People’s Friendship University of Russia, told RBC. According to him, there are many opponents of vaccination among adults. “I think that the level of vaccination of children will be expected to be even lower than that of adults,” he said.

  • The Federal Antimonopoly Service agreed on the price of the coronavirus drug Remdesivir in the amount of 3,840 rubles. for packing.

Vaccination in the regions of Russia

Number of doses of vaccine applied per 100 population of the region*

first dose second dose

Sources: operational headquarters for combating coronavirus, Rosstat, RBC calculations

Data for Russia i

  • On February 2, St. Petersburg imposed a ban on minors visiting cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments, as well as any stores other than food and pharmacies.

How the number of deaths from Covid-19 is changing in Russia

Daily data of the operational headquarters

Source: federal and regional headquarters for combating coronavirus

Data for Russia i

  • In about 20 days, the selection of children aged 6 to 11 years will begin to study the “children’s” vaccine against the coronavirus “Sputnik M”, said Alexander Gintsburg, head of the Gamaleya center.

The spread of coronavirus Covid-19 in the regions of Russia

Number of confirmed infections

Source: Federal and regional headquarters for the fight against the virus

Data for Russia i

Russian laboratories offer several options for testing antibodies to the COVID-19 pathogen. Which one to choose, in what cases what is needed and why it is not necessary to compare tests from different laboratories – read in the RBC material.

The situation in the world

By data WHO, the number of people infected with coronavirus in the world exceeded 373.2 million people, of which more than 5.6 million died.

  • The United States remains the leader in the number of confirmed cases, with more than 73 million infected. India is in second place (more than 41 million), Brazil is third (25 million), France is fourth (more than 18 million), and the United Kingdom is fifth (more than 16 million). Russia is in this list in sixth place.
  • British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has apologized to the British after the scandal with parties in the Downing Street residence during the lockdown.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has tested positive for the coronavirus. He urged citizens to get vaccinated against coronavirus and undergo revaccination.
  • In Japan, an increase in hospitalizations of people over 60 years old who became infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus was recorded.

The spread of coronavirus Covid-19 in the world

Number of confirmed infections

Source: JHU

World Data i


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