Horrible Malware Renewed – Beware of This Word File!

The LokiBot malware spreads in Word files attached to e-mails.

Hackers often use malware to obtain important information from the victim. Illustration picture. SASCHA STEINBACH

A cyber security company Fortinet warns About the LokiBot trojan malware. The malware in question is primarily for Windows systems and spreads with Word files attached to e-mails.

– The networks behind the Trojans constantly keep an eye on updates and are skilled at taking advantage of current events, Fortinet’s Director of System Development Jani Ekman states.

LokiBot has spread in Word files before, but now the malware has been updated and can also be downloaded to the computer using automatic document opening functions.

After loading onto the computer, LokiBot can, among other things, save the keyboard, take screenshots and collect login information from browsers.

– You should always watch out for suspicious messages, Ekman reminds.

LokiBot is also known as Loki PWS. The malware in question has been spreading since 2015.
