Horoscope: zodiac signs and dream shopping

un desire to buy as in the book The department store of dreams. What matters is not waking up. It is the idea taken from the Korean author’s book Lee Mi-ye. In this week Neptune in Pisces, a planet that has to do with the dream worldasks the zodiac signs which dream they want to buy.

Map of the southern hemisphere, from “Atlas coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica” (1660) by Andreas Cellarius (photo Alamy / Ipa).

L’Aries wants to be nominated for an Oscar for an adventure film where he is the fearless protagonist. The Bull more concrete buy a bucolic dream: to live in an estate between greenery and horses and manage a productive job. The Capricorn dreams of climbing the highest peak in the world. There Virgin buy the dream of a world that cleans itself effortlessly. Candid and perfect.

Among the signs of Air i Twins they acquire the dream of remaining young and vital forever. There Balance he wants that to relive the moment of yes on the altar. L’Acquarium he wants one a la Steve Jobs to create a revolutionary invention. The Cancer dreams of all the kisses of his life as in the scene of New Paradise Cinema.

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The Scorpio he wants the dream of defeating his eternal rival, whatever it is. And i Fish that of diving into desire among waves of laughter, waves of emotion, musical echoes. Who stays? The Sagittarius he has already bought the dream of a lifelong journey. And the Lion? What questions, bought the most ambitious dream. To be President forever.

The spring horoscope
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