Horoscope: the zodiac signs and the object of desires

Schoose an object to define yourself, Pluto asks the zodiac signs. L’Aries he confesses that his favorite object remains a bright red motorbike or car, the color of fervor. Only in this way can they represent their affirmation in the world. The Bull is of a completely different opinion, he chooses an armchair or sofa that is as comfortable as possible, to read, lie down, sleep, reflect.

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THE Twins they rely on a cell phone to search for continuous lines of communication. The Cancer he says he would like a book where he can get lost and find himself in a saving narrative. The Lion asks for a prestigious cigar to be smoked slowly while observing others from above between one puff and another. There Virgin has no doubts, a designer vacuum cleaner is perfect for cleaning up chaos outside and inside.

There Balance he decides for a refined mirror where he can check that the weather is not too merciless. The Scorpio he wants a magnifying glass or a scalpel to find hidden truths, and look at them more closely. The Sagittarius he wants a camper so he can go anywhere.

Star map of the Northern sky from “Atlas of the Sky”, Pub. 1706 by Carel Allard (photo Ipa).

The Capricorn suggests a silver paperweight to establish his presence in the world and not let thoughts fly away. L’Acquarium he wants a drone that helps him gain a bird’s-eye view. And i Fish? Please, a large and comfortable bed to sleep and dream while staying in touch with the Infinite.

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