Horoscope: Katalin Karikó’s birth chart

Perseverare is the verb of Capricorn, a sign capable of getting where it wants. Whatever it takes. Tenacity that rewarded the scientist last October Katalin Kariko with the Nobel Prize for Medicine shared with his immunologist colleague Drew Weissman for their studies on messenger RNA which allowed the rapid development of anti-Covid vaccines.

The 2023 Nobel Prize for Medicine goes to Karikò and Weissman for their studies on anti-Covid vaccines

His birth chart has the plot of a film where the undisputed protagonist is the Sun in Capricorn, healthy bearer of a formidable talent. Mercury in Aquarius is the thoughts that run about scientific discovery, Venus in Sagittarius is the fervor that in 1985 led her to make a daring journey from Hungary to America with her engineer husband and daughter, hiding the money obtained from the sale of the car in the little girl’s teddy bear.

Saturn conjunct the Moon in Scorpio tells of the seriousness in scientific study. Mars in Aries is the motto of will applied to research.

Katalin Karikó was born in Szolnok, Hungary on 17 January 1955 (photo Getty Images).

But the winning ace is the perfect trine between Venus and Marstotal harmony with her husband who followed her everywhere to help her develop her research based on messenger RNA.

She, daughter of an accountant and a butcher, has never forgotten her humble origins. Indeed, grateful to the parents who raised her in a small town in Hungary, she declared: «The first 14 years of life, your genes, your parents, your teachers, your friends form the person you will be» . This is how a Capricorn gets to the Nobel.

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