Horoscope | Evening newspaper

Do you need advice in your life situation? Iltalehti’s horoscope offers something to think about for every sign of the Zodiac. Read your horoscope in Iltalehti.

ARIES 21.3.–20.4. Don’t let envious or snarky people discourage your good spirit, but move forward with the flag flying and a smile on your face. Perhaps some of your good spirit will rub off on others.

TAURUS 21.4.–21.5. It’s hard to avoid gagging and harsh exchange of words today, but it’s still worth trying. At least try to argue constructively and go halfway if necessary.

GEMINI 22.5.–21.6. Don’t hurt someone’s feelings just to avenge some injustice you yourself have suffered. Contrary to what you think, it doesn’t make you feel better at all, it makes it even worse.

RAPU 22.6.–22.7. You have been a reckless spender, which has left its mark on your bank account balance. On the other hand, you are richer in many fun experiences, so don’t beat yourself up too much.

LION 23.7.–23.8. Some insight will help you find a surprising solution to a puzzle that has been plaguing your mind and see things and your life from a new and fresh angle anyway.

VIRGO 24.8.–22.9. You are in a brave mood and you are not afraid to do radical things. Make your dreams come true and live to the fullest, but remember to inform those who are also affected by your endeavors.

LIBRA 23.9.–23.10. Be especially kind to everyone today, because there is someone close to you now who has sadness and grief, even if he skillfully hides it. Curb your hiccups by splurging.

SCORPIO 24.10.–22.11. You have quite a lot of beliefs about yourself, and now there is also a cover for them. You succeed in everything you do, and your appeal is beyond comprehension. Go, make and dazzle.

SAGITTARIUS 23.11.–21.12. Something related to the future worries you. It could be a change of place of work or residence. Be confident and don’t paint unnecessary threatening pictures. Everything will be allright.

CAPRICORN 22.12.–20.1. You are in an unusually daring and cheerful mood and want to do something out of the ordinary. You should also boldly contact interesting people.

AQUARIUS 21.1.–18.2. A change of scenery would do you good, so if possible, take a little distance from your routine and make a small break in one form or another. You see things differently after that.

PISCES 19.2.–20.3. Don’t freeze in place just because you’re afraid of making a mistake or doing something wrong. You learn from mistakes, and when you try new things, you feel stronger alive.
