Horoscope | Evening newspaper

Do you need advice in your life situation? Iltalehti’s horoscope offers something to think about for every sign of the Zodiac. Read your horoscope in Iltalehti.

ARIES 21.3.–20.4. Extend your helping hand to someone in need. You will notice how good helping without asking does for your mood and self-esteem. At the same time, your own problems seem to shrink.

TAURUS 21.4.–21.5. Something related to work or money is causing a headache. Stick to your routines and don’t do anything drastic until you are sure of how you want to act.

GEMINI 22.5.–21.6. Your weekend can hold a lot of emotions and events. However, one of them clearly rises above the others, and its effects will be felt in your life for a long time.

RAPU 22.6.–22.7. You should acknowledge if your strength is waning. If you repeatedly force yourself to the limit, the stop will come with Guarantee in one form or another.

LION 23.7.–23.8. You’re in a festive mood, and you don’t worry about tomorrow. Take the joy out of your life, and include someone who you now know is in dire need of a boost.

VIRGO 24.8.–22.9. If you feel that too many expectations and demands are placed on you, get yourself together and put a stop to it. Bravely clear the space around you to realize yourself.

LIBRA 23.9.–23.10. A surprising event will push your life in a new direction. Don’t be left wondering, but accept the challenge bravely and be open to what is offered to you.

SCORPIO 24.10.–22.11. A person has tried to approach you several times, which you may not have noticed. Stop, and give him time to say what he has to say.

SAGITTARIUS 23.11.–21.12. You are thirsty for change, but before you decide to do something radical, examine your inner and outer framework to locate where your need for change comes from.

CAPRICORN 22.12.–20.1. Your loved ones are now more attentive than usual, so give them your time. Still, also take care of your own satisfaction, and do something just for your own pleasure.

AQUARIUS 21.1.–18.2. Your self-discipline and ambition are both at their peak, so now is the time to raise the bar in whatever it is you’re pursuing. Don’t settle for playing it safe.

PISCES 19.2.–20.3. You are now more susceptible to temptation than usual. You easily allow yourself to be overwhelmed by projects that you might regret later. So try to keep common sense in what you do.
