Horoscope 2023. In-depth analysis will be the key word

Lhe password for 2023 will be deepening. It is no longer time to launch random requests in the cylinder of the Future. The planets this year demand a more targeted listening to ourselves. “What do I really want?” is the question to ask. Without fixating on impromptu cravings.

The signs of the Zodiac on the marble floor on the first floor of the Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA (photo Alamy / Ipa).

Try to imagine yourself in front of a sort of stellar Parliament where Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will trace a new path for you to undertake, trying to separate the authentic desire from the superfluous one.

For fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, the expression “I want-I can” will have to be remodulated on a frequency of greater listening to the other. A condition for growing together with your partner and moving from where you are to where you want to go.

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn they will have to review obsolete modalities such as excessive permanence, possession and reluctance to novelties, dynamics that block the future.

For Gemini, Libra and AquariusAir signs accustomed to quick raids on tomorrow, a setback will be a must, to understand if in 2023 it is not better to direct desires and ambitions towards less anxious scenarios.

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What about the Water signs? They will use the radar of intuition to discard projects irreconcilable with serenity. Pruning dreams and illusions to relaunch their identity on more stimulating initiatives and destinations.

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