Horoscope 2022. The voice of the stars

“The Northern Stellar Hemisphere of Antiquity”, from “Harmonia Macrocosmica” (1660) by Andreas Cellarius (photo Getty Images).

F.uori it’s cold. They come in dribs and drabs. Aries pretends indifference but does not stop smoking, such is the rush to know. The Taurus is absorbed on the cell phone, the Twins chase each other down the stairs, the Cancer stops at the door then suddenly asks the Leo: “Do you love me?”. The Lion nods his head as he thinks “What am I here to do?”.

Virgo coughs excitedly and goes to meet the very gallant Libra with the Moon in Sagittarius, already dressed for the New Year. She will be the one to inaugurate January with the glow of the debut in her eyes. Saturn, planet of rigor, is in Aquarius next to Jupiter, the planet promoter of well-being, just entered the sign of Pisces.

“Who is the favorite sign of the stars?” ask the Gemini with a falsetto voice. Saturn’s brow barely wrinkles. “Do you think you are in Sanremo? I don’t speak in these terms ”he continues with a sharp voice. “The favorites are those who have understood my lesson. I invited Jupiter as an antidote to your discontent ”.

The planet of success, called into question, smiles with a satisfied air and, swaying in his chair like an oversized child, announces that he will stay in Pisces until May 10, “then I’ll move on to Aries.”

Euphoria explodes in the room: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces rejoice. They will be the first to enjoy good luck. Then in May the well-being will pass to the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. “Enough!”: Saturn’s voice freezes the good mood. “Astrology is not a stellar wave” he urges. “No one has yet understood that the future lies in the origin of our discontent. To move forward we need to rework the past “.

Scorpio is silent. “Here, do you see it?” continues Saturn. “He wants the thrill of emotion, the warm light of new ignitions, but remains closed in his dark cave… Do you think it is easy for me to disorient the certainties of Leo, to work on the obsessions of Virgo or on the indifference of Capricorn? For two years I have been the whiplash on the Aquarium as long as he concludes his project. I am staying here to curb the fibrillation of Pisces and Gemini, the fury of Aries, the slalom between the doubts of Libra ”.

The horoscope of the day, week and month

And he concludes in an authoritative tone: “Your question must be reformulated: who is reborn from my severe passage?”. Taurus stands up followed by Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. “Yes, it is you who deserve applause for knowing how to manage the terrain of instability to which I have subjected you,” concedes Saturn.

From the hall someone starts clapping, then everyone. At that point, on stage, everything changed. In the air you can breathe the wake of a new debut. “What did I tell you?” Saturn concludes as he closes the door behind him. “It is by digging up the malaise from the roots that the light shines on the future”.
Happy New Year to all!



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