Hormonal acne, what it is and how to treat it at all ages

TOEven in adulthood (between 30 and 40 years), during pregnancy or menopause, it is possible to deal with hormonal acne, a particular dermatological pathology linked to hormones, which should not be underestimated. Talk to two experts.

Hormonal acne: what it is and when it occurs

“Exist different types of acne, each of which has specific symptoms and causes» begins to explain the Professor Sergio Noviello, doctor and cosmetic surgeon, medical director of Sergio Noviello Cosmetic Surgery & BAT Centre.

«The hormonal one must not be confused with juvenile acne that affects adolescence and is connected to the transformations that the body experiences and to the over-production of the sebaceous glands. Hormonal acne predominantly affects women and can present itself at various times in life, aEven the period of adolescence is overboth due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause, and related to the menstrual cycle» continues the expert.

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Period, pregnancy and menopause: the most delicate moments

«All of this has repercussions on the skin. At various stages of the menstrual cycle, as estrogen levels drop and progesterone and testosterone levels rise, pimples, blackheads and other impurities appear which fortunately with the arrival of menstruation begin to improve» continues the expert.

Not only. «There are two other times when hormonal acne can occur: during pregnancy and during menopause. In the first casethere is an increase in the level of androgens and in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. The greatest manifestations occur during the first three months when hormone levels rise rapidly.

However, changes and hormonal changes also define the period of menopause due to drastic decrease in estrogen levels which can lead to aworsening of the dermis with the appearance of impurities, such as hormonal acne or dryness and irritation».

Diagnosis and exams

«As far as the diagnosis is concerned, it is essential to contact the dermatologist who will perform a thorough examination and, based on the history collected and the clinical manifestations, will prescribe specific exams» instead specify the Dr. Rossella Chiodini, specialist in dermatology and venereology at Ricerca Diagnostica and Clinique Boutique Milano.

“These can be hematologists, like the dosage of some hormones such as the testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione and theestradiol, but also instrumental tests such as a transvaginal or lower abdominal ultrasound, to exclude micropolycystic ovary syndrome”.

Skin manifestations

So what happens? «The fluctuation of hormones that stimulate the production of sebum causes inflammation of the hair follicles which in turn lead to the appearance of pimples, blackheads and redness.

The symptoms then manifest themselves in the fattest areas of the face such as the chin, jaw and neck but also in other areas of the body (chest, shoulders and back) where there are many sebaceous glands that surround the base of the hair.

(Credits: Instagram @gigihadid)

Treatments: peeling, biorevitalization and prebiotics

They also exist treatments to keep hormonal acne at bay, going to improve the overall appearance of the skin and acting on the formation of imperfections. In some cases, as both experts explain, “hormonal acne can be improved by the use of birth control pills, clearly, on careful medical history». But not only.

In fact, you can also resort to some specific beauty treatments. “Yes they can schedule weekly sessions of delicate or concentrated peelings based on salicylic, azelaic, mandelic or pyruvic acid. Peelings can be alternated with biorevitalizations with highly nutritious substances such as i Poly Deoxy Ribonucleotides known in aesthetic medicine because they help to regenerate the skin, hydrating it and tightening the pores».

Fundamental then is a correct skincare routine with products specifically formulated to keep sebum overproduction under control. «Prebiotics are also inevitable, capable of purifying and rebalancing at the same time and green clay to help the skin find and maintain a correct balance» concludes Prof. Noviello.

