Horizon Line, on Italia 1 in unmanned flight: the plot and cast

Un survival movie at high altitude that keeps you in suspense. Horizon Linetonight at 21.20 on Italy 1is one of those movies Fearless – without fear by Peter Weir which follows a classic narrative: everything seems to go for the best when an unexpected happens and then the protagonists of the moment must try to survive.

In this case it is one couple that is in flight on a small plane that is about to take them to a marriage. Something goes wrong and puts their lives in jeopardy. They will find themselves in the same conditions as the protagonists of Open Water that, in the middle of the ocean are hunted by sharks. Here the couple will have to get by in the clouds without a pilot.

Allison Williams and Alexander Dreymon. (Ipa)

Horizon Line: Thrill at high altitude: the plot

The Swedish film Mikael Marcimain tells the story of Jackson (Alexander Dreymon) e Will be (Allison Williams), a couple embarking on a destination flight Caribbean. A wedding party awaits them in the middle of the ocean. Driving the small plane is Sara’s friend, Wyman (Keith David).

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During the flight Wyman has a heart attack And suddenly dies. The plane is in the hands of the two who absolutely do not know how to juggle. The autopilot is also out of order. THEstarts a nightmare. After managing not to fall, the couple find themselves in the midst of gods heavy clouds threatening a tropical storm. Will the two be able to survive? If so, how? Expect incredible twists.

horizon line high altitude thrill italy 1 tonight

The protagonists of the film. (Ipa)

A survival movie with many action colors

Horizon Line brings the survival genre to high altitude, as has happened other times, let’s think about it Alive – Survivors, Sully, Fearless, Six days seven nights with Harrison Ford, although here the stretch comedy takes over. Marcimain’s film, unlike the others, remains at high altitude, that is, it takes place on the two-seater plane and the action component becomes prominent on the suspense.

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horizon line high altitude thrill italy 1 tonight

A scene from “Horizon Line”. (Ipa)

In fact, you will see the protagonists come out on the wings of the plane in flight, in the manner of Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible or by Schwarzenegger in True Lies. The unlikely narrative makes survival credibility lose its share. We certainly are not faced with the power of Alive – Survivors or at the voltage of Open Water And Frozen (here two young people get stuck on a chairlift in the cold). Horizon Line it will entertain you for the time of its duration, but it will not make you want to see it again.

