Horacio Rodríguez Larreta tours the coast in the middle of the scandal with D’Alessandro

Horacio Rodriguez Larreta began a four-day tour of the Buenos Aires coast and after visiting the Partido de la Costa arrived in Pinamarwhere he was received by the mayor, Martin Yeza. Before going for a walk on the beach to chat with the neighbors and tourists, the Buenos Aires head of government gave a press conference and referred to the scandal in which his Security Minister Mauricio D’Alessandro. The strategy is clear: focus on the fact that it was a illegal espionageaccuse Kirchnerism and, before each question about the details of the case, talk about the drop in crimes in CABA.

Rodríguez Larreta arrived in Pinamar around 4:00 p.m. In it Registered Marketing Space He returned to defend Minister D’Alessandro, who requested leave from his position: “I support the decision he made in the face of the aggressiveness and the attack he is suffering from Kirchnerism, based on illegal espionage. His decision had a very strong personal content What happened is an attack on privacy like never before seen in Argentina”, he said and assured that the leaked chats are “distorted, edited and changed”.

Pinamar Larreta Yeza press conference

Although there were no questions about the effectiveness of D’Alessandro’s management, Rodríguez Larreta made an effort to focus attention on crime statistics. According to the reference of Together for Change, the City of Buenos Aires is the safest in Latin America.

Pinamar Larreta Yeza press conference

One of the scandals that rocked in the past Together for Change It was the illegal espionage of their own referents during the Macrista government. In this sense, and when asked if there is a double standard, Rodríguez Larreta denied the similarities: “It is not an issue. There may be some investigation by the Justice and we all make ourselves available. Let it be investigated. In that investigation I I was one of those spied on, but in no way do I think someone from JXC has anything to do with it,” he said.

Pinamar Larreta Yeza press conference

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: tour of the coast

Rodríguez Larreta’s visit to Pinamar left a photo that seemed difficult: that of him with Martín Yeza. In the Juntos por el Cambio internship, the mayor from Pinamar opted for the line Maria Eugenia Vidal-Cristian Ritondo-Patricia Bullrich and in the last time there was talk of a certain discomfort between the two.

Pinamar Larreta Yeza press conference

However, Yeza welcomed Rodriguez Larreta with compliments: “I learned many of the things that I was able to implement in Pinamar from him and it is truly a great pride for us to receive him,” he assured.

Pinamar Larreta Yeza press conference

The Buenos Aires head of government took advantage of his visit to the Partido de la Costa this morning to criticize the ruling party: “The truth is, looking between the two municipalities, the difference is enormous. In the municipality of La Costa, the water is pulling houses down , there are no ramps to go to the beach and if something happens to someone there are no ambulances that can go down. It’s a disaster,” he said.

Pinamar Larreta Yeza press conference

Rodríguez Larreta’s coastal tour will continue on Friday the 6th in Cariló and Villa Gessell. During the weekend he will visit the municipalities of General Pueyrredón, General Alvarado, Mar del Plata, Chapadmalal and Miramar.

Photos: Pablo Cuarterolo (from Pinamar)

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