Hoogeveen wants to tackle nuisance loading and unloading freight traffic on Main Street

The municipality of Hoogeveen wants to take measures to prevent nuisance from loading and unloading freight traffic in the center. Supply will soon have to take place via the rear of the Hoofdstraat as much as possible. The arrival of special posts to close off the street is also being investigated.

This is the answer to written questions from the CDA, GemeenteBelangen and the VVD. They have heard from residents that unsafe and irresponsible situations occur in the Hoofdstraat on shopping days.

Enforcement not possible

The municipality says it confirms the concerns. According to the commission, in addition to the supplies to shops, there is a lot of nuisance from parcel services during the day and evening. “This also causes damage to the new layout of the Hoofdstraat. Large trailers drive daily on the Hoofdstraat, while a maximum axle load of 3500 kilos applies here.”

The three parties question whether the municipality will enforce this. The Commission’s response states that freight traffic may load and unload during the designated times. They apply Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and Monday to Thursday from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. But according to the Hoogeveen enforcement department, it is not possible to enforce all day because of the high volume of car and truck traffic.


Alternative measures are therefore being considered. Hoogeveen wants the center to remain a safe pedestrian area. If supplies fail from the rear, loading and unloading in the Hoofdstraat is only permitted with an exemption. “Experiences gained during the refurbishment work have shown that supplies can easily take place from the squares via the rear entrances and/or via the alleys,” according to the council.

A number of squares in Hoogeveen are being redesigned. Hoogeveen wants to make room for supplies when reclassifying those places. For example at the Stoekeplein, where the profile behind the shops has been widened to make loading and unloading possible there. The current times for loading and unloading will be abolished, for which a traffic decision has already been taken.
