Hoogeveen is investigating extending shopping hours on Sundays

The college of mayor and aldermen will investigate whether shops can remain open longer on Sundays. This is in response to a motion passed by a majority of the city council.

Due to the corona pandemic, the opening hours for bakers, butchers, supermarkets and poulterers were extended from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. In particular to spread customers better. But from April 1, the old times will apply again, from 13.00 to 18.00.

“We have been told by a number of entrepreneurs that they were surprised by the news,” says party leader of the VVD, Roelof Bisschop. “Corona has not disappeared, of course, by extending the times you can spread customers better.”

piece of rest

The VVD submitted the motion together with GemeenteBelangen, VVD, PvdA, D66 and Lijst van Hien. Alderman Jan Zwiers indicated that the request is feasible, but that the Municipal Executive must investigate what is possible and devise a plan for this.

In addition, the parties ask whether the Municipal Executive can investigate whether there is enough support in Hoogeveen to definitively extend the shopping hours on Sundays. “The extension will then run until July, in the meantime it can be investigated whether there is enough support for the period after.”

Council members of the SGP, the CDA and the ChristenUnie did not agree with the proposal and voted against it. “We have a different view on Sunday,” explains Christian Union party chairman Hetty Pullen. “It’s about a bit of peace that you have to guarantee. We don’t think expansion is necessary.”

‘Times change’

The SP eventually agreed with the proposers’ proposal. Council member Jeroen Pomper did think that the expansion should apply to all shops and not just the bakery or supermarket. “SP has been against a 24-hour economy for years. But times are changing and the public is ready for a different opening. But it must apply to all stores.”
