Hoogeveen in talks with ProRail and NS due to the lack of lifts at the station

Politicians in Hoogeveen believe that the municipality should enter into discussions with ProRail and the NS. The lifts on the platforms cannot be used for the next two months. As a result, the station is not easily accessible for the disabled.

The PvdA therefore submitted a motion during the council meeting with an appeal to the council to take action. The party did this together with GroenLinks, GemeenteBelangen, the SGP, SP, VVD and the ChristenUnie. In the end, the full council unanimously agreed. The commission has promised to raise the concerns with the NS and ProRail.

The parties criticize the fact that platform two in particular is poorly accessible. That platform is located between two train tracks, to get to the other side you have to use a tunnel under the track. “That means that people in a wheelchair, walker or pram cannot reach platform 2,” says Stan van Eck, party leader of the PvdA.

A taxi is offered as an alternative, but according to Van Eck this is a cumbersome solution. “If you get on or roll off the train in Groningen, you will not be told that you cannot leave the platform in Hoogeveen. Then you are in front of the closed elevator. Then you have to take the train to Meppel, then take the train back to Hoogeveen and then you’re on the right side. Of course that doesn’t work.”

The petitioners of the motion especially hope that the municipality will want to talk to the rail manager and the train operator in order to find solutions. “No emergency provisions have been made and accessibility is a great right. That is why we are urging the organization of a temporary lift, but we especially want to convey our concerns as a council to the NS and ProRail.”

Alderman Derk Reneman said that the council is responding to the call. “We will contact the NS and ProRail on Tuesday. We understand that the council considers this an important subject, so we will convey your feelings.” The alderman gave a small tip. “People who are affected by this can turn to the Human Rights Council.”
