Hoogeveen hydrogen project symbolically kicked off, first connections in September

The first symbolic tube for the hydrogen network in Hoogeveen went into the ground today. One hundred houses in the new Nijstad-Oost district will eventually be heated via the network, as an alternative to gas. Six to eighteen households in the Erflanden district can put it to the test. From the end of September, tests will be carried out in these homes to see whether the hydrogen connection works as it should.

Work is currently underway on the new residential area of ​​Nijstad-Oost. “Utilities such as water pipes and electricity cables will be installed in the coming weeks, but that also applies to the hydrogen network,” says project leader Kees Boer. Existing homes in the Erflanden will be the first to use the connection.

Households on Noorddreef, Blankvoorn and Brasem are in the picture to be the first to make the switch to the hydrogen network. For this to be successful, the houses must be connected as a block. Of course, the residents of the houses must also agree to the plans. According to Boer, that was successful. “We have now found a group that likes it.” The project leader does not want to disclose exactly how many households are involved. “We will first communicate that in the neighborhood itself.”

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