Hoogeveen council decides: Green Planet Pesse can build advertising tower of 30 meters

Green Planet gas station is allowed to build a 30 meter high advertising tower on the site next to the A28 motorway near Pesse. The city council of Hoogeveen approved a new zoning plan by a large majority this evening.

“This has been a heavy burden for all of us in recent times,” explained VVD councilor Roelof Bisschop. “Many councilors call this a headache file. It caused sleepless nights and many discussions within the groups. That is why it is extra nice that we have reached an agreement tonight. This is a compromise in which many views of the residents are included, but where also the entrepreneur is taken into account.”

“The tower may be a maximum of 30 meters high,” continues Bisschop. “We opted for this because more towers of that height have been granted permits.” The windmills to be built may not be higher than 18 meters. In addition, there will be a heavy restriction on illuminated advertising. “The two advertising areas have a light intensity of 50 lumens and we use the E2 standard for rural areas. We adhere to this very strictly for the entrepreneur and the municipality will enforce this. The lighting may only be on during the opening hours of the gas station and shop: from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Then it has to go off.”

The councilors have also included in the compromise that all functions must be put into use at the same time. The intended climbing park in the forest near GreenPlanet must therefore be opened at the same time as the advertising tower, which is also used as a watchtower. “So no advertising is allowed until everything is ready,” concluded Bishop.

‘Book Distress’

SP councilor Jeroen Pomper is also happy that the decision has now been made. “I am proud that we almost unanimously decided on this. We have enough book sickness had of. The parties are stepping over their own shadow tonight. We would have preferred the tower a bit smaller, but we can find ourselves in the 30 meters. That’s more than enough. He’s so visible.”

“We know the importance of entrepreneur Edward Doorten”, added Catharina van Hien (Lijst van Hien). “With GreenPlanet, he is playing a pioneering role in the energy transition. That is also important. Doorten is a pioneer who sticks his neck out. These kinds of people bring about change. That is why I am pleased that we have found a middle ground across the board.”

“Innovation must also be possible,” said Bert Otten (CDA). He pointed to the many comments from residents that have been implemented. “This is the zoning plan where the most views have been applied. So they have been listened to and with that we have formed this acceptable alternative.”

Sunday rest

Seven political groups (27 councilors) voted in favor. The groups of ChristenUnie and SGP (together 4 seats) voted against. The CU submitted its own proposal in which the tower will not be 30, but 25 meters high. “We have great respect for what Doorten does. But entrepreneurship is not at the expense of everything,” said council member Koen Meesters. The proposal was rejected by all other parties. According to other parties, CU was influenced by the activists, who are strongly against the arrival of the tower.

In contrast to the ChristenUnie, the SGP sometimes agreed with the building of the advertising tower. However, they also see plans for weekend events in the zoning plan. That does not fit with the Sunday rest that the party considers of paramount importance. That is why the party voted against the new zoning plan.
