Hoogeveen council: ‘Bus lines in rural areas should not disappear’

The Groningen-Drenthe public transport agency wants to cancel the bus lines between Westerbork-Hoogeveen and Zuidwolde-Balkbrug. A majority of the city council in Hoogeveen does not like this and has asked the municipal executive to express their concerns to the carrier.

Municipal interests, PvdA, the CDA, VVD and the SP therefore submitted a motion together on Thursday evening. The parties fear that the disappearance of the bus lines will further affect the quality of life in the countryside. “That is why we want the council to submit a view on the plans,” explains Jan van der Sleen on behalf of Municipal Interests.

The bus lines are disappearing because the Groningen-Drenthe public transport agency has to make significant cutbacks, about 3.5 million euros. Earlier, the carrier received compensation from the government for the lost income during the pandemic. That will stop from next year, which is why they are taking action now.

The proposal could ultimately count on support from the Christian Union and the Forum for Democracy. The SGP, GroenLinks and D66 voted against. According to party leader Marin Rutgers of D66, the motion goes a step too far.

“As a party, we are in favor of good public transport. The call must be to find out how we can offer good public transport in our province. That goes further than just these two bus lines. How do you ensure that traveling by public transport becomes more attractive again? you don’t get by with this view alone.”

Alderman Roelof Bisschop said that the council is responding to the petitioners’ appeal. A letter will be sent to the public transport office shortly.
