Hoofdsuspected in reeks moorden op moslims in VS opgepakt: one kende all slachtoffers | Buitenland

The man has filed a complaint for two of the moors, reports the open bar stock of Albuquerque. The political impact of the 51-year-old Muhammad Syed can also be prosecuted for two other reasons.

The political chief of Albuquerque announced that on Tuesday the car was suspected of what was being located and that the commissioner would be reported. “Hij is one suspected voor de moorden”, says Harold Medina toen al.

The first in the Reeks Moorden from the November Plaats. Nog eens three men are in de afgelopen twee weken gedood. The slachtoffers zijn allaal min of sea uit het niets doodschoten and goods from Pakistan or Afghaanse komaf.

The last moord was vrijdagavond toen de 25-year-old Naeem Hussain was shot. Dat was enkele uren nadat hij op de begrafenis was weeest van twee other slachtoffers: the 27-year-old Afzaal Hussain and the 41-year-old Aftab Hussein. Zij will be doodgeschoted op respectievelijk 1 Augustus en 26 July. Mohammad Ahmadi was killed on November 7th.

The moorden zorgden voor onrust onder the small Muslim community in Albuquerque, was about 565,000 mensen wonen, and suffered as little as Buitenland dead verontwaardiging. Also President Joe Biden spoke on the weekend during the verontwaardiging uit over de moorden. A broer van een van de slachtoffers lieten dat de arrestatie voor opluchting caret binnen de commeenschap.
