Hoofdinspecteur Brusselse federale politie the Qatargate onderzoekt mogelijk poisonigd | Inland

In the previous month, the inspector was sent to the hospital, with two colleagues, and was brought to a Brussels café. The third one is in a drunken position before overloading in Hebben, and the head inspector is above the café in Hebben. There is also an inspector from the Brussels local policy that has been tested in the slaan.

The inspector was said to be “beestingly wild” and the area had to be brought to the goat house, which was a spuit in the fire. Daarna zou hij de hele night in zijn cel op de deur bonkt hebben, kermend van de pijn. Uiteindelijk will hij the ochtend afgevoerd naar ziekenhuis. There was a vast amount of space – well in the door and in the valley – a window had been opened.

He also followed me with urine and blood. Now you can see that the man is still in his arms and has had an enormous dose of amfetamine in his body. Hij heeft geen grandchildren herinnering meer at the avond op café. Ok de collega’s that were here were lifted to the full sea on the avond. Ze vertoonden dezelfde – maar net iets milder symptoms – van an overdose amfetamine.

The speurders have a positive reputation, so it is plausible that someone has thought about it in the future. Poisoning with amfetamines is a known technology from the secret service and the compromisers. The parking lot of Brussels is all interest in a second time started on poging moord, maar eft momenteel geen bijkomende information.
