Honorability, according to Feijóo

For Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Isabel Díaz Ayuso is an “honorable” person. He already knows. He knows it before the still president of the Popular Party, Paul Married, who publicly denounced the honorability of the Madrid president. She knows it before the opposition parties in the Madrid Assembly, who have brought before the Justice the contracts with the Administration of Ayuso’s brother. He knows it even before her own Anticorruption Prosecutor, which has not yet had time to review a role and already knows, through the mouth of the Galician leader, that it is not worth ‘menallo’ because the honorable behavior of Isabel Díaz Ayuso is beyond doubt. Abra Cadabra.

Feijóo de Ayuso has said: «She is the president of the Community of Madrid and, therefore, an honorable person that we are going to defend because her honorability does not present us with any doubts». Honorable: “That is honest and deserves the respect or esteem of others.” The good thing about the fine arts is that they can be used to explain anything, be it everyday life or part of high politics. The declamation is one of them and it never hurts to review Shakespeare or, if you prefer, the most modern version of it. If we apply to the president of the Xunta the stereotype applied to his place of origin, it is convenient to return to the version of Julius Caesar which led to the screen Joseph L. Mankiewicz in 1953 and enjoy that prodigious speech that Marlon Brando (Marco Antonio) extracted from the entrails, until turning it into an interpretive landmark born from the ‘Actor’s Studio’. Some will remember it: «With the permission of Brutus and the others -for Brutus is an honest man, as are all of them, all honest men- I have come to speak at Caesar’s funeral». Until the end of the scene it is not known if Mark Antony is either honoring Brutus or vilifying him in the crowd, how it actually happens. Now, you change the names you want.

In the absence of a month for Alberto Núñez Feijóo to be anointed president of the Popular Party and, consequently, leader of the main center-right formation in this country over the next few years, the Galician president has already been shown the way. From honorability, how could it be otherwise: “He had never seen these practices”, Díaz Ayuso referred to the alleged espionage that he was allegedly subjected to from Génova Street. “And I don’t believe in falsely closed wounds either. [Ni olvida…]. And that is why what I do ask is that everyone who has been part of this campaign be immediately put on the street. [… ni perdona]’But Brutus is an honest man, as are all of them, all honest men.

Some will think that for this trip saddlebags were not needed. With Married or without him, with Feijóo or without him, it seems that the Popular Party insists on not wanting to move from the same square in which it has been playing for years. The carnage unleashed in the popular ranks since the alleged espionage plot was known, first, and the business of Tomas Diaz Ayuso later, they force the future president to manage an inheritance identical to the one they have been administering, scandal after scandal, who have tried to breathe honor into the acronym of the seagull, governed cyclically by as many Brutes as Caesars, all honest people. Feijóo has thrown the dice again.

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At the heights of power, César knew well, one never knows when humanity ends and politics begins. The same thing happens in war. Feijóo has acted as a Galician before his coronation, and time will tell if the ‘Shakespearean’ discourse is framed in the context of the human or the political. Pablo Casado, this time, has played the role of César, assassinated after the conspiracy of his senators on the Ides of March. It is the responsibility of the president of the Xunta that history does not repeat itself. But his electoral success depends on the pacification of the party, more controlled than ever by the same barons who have brought down Casado.

The death of Caesar was followed by a civil war and an autocratic period that proved useless collusion against the ruler. Ignoring the fact that a brother of the president of Madrid did business with this administration in the worst of the pandemic would be a gesture that is as disappointing as it is dangerous for the expectations that leaders, voters and members of the PP already have for their future president. It’s a good time to demonstrate that honesty.
