Hongarije wants NAVO-benoeming Mark Rutte to block: “Wij kunnen hem niet als NAVO-baas steunen” | Buitenland

Hongarije zal de aftredende Dutch premier Mark Rutte will not be considered the next top man of NAVO. The head of the Hong Kong Minister of Buitenlandse Zaken, Peter Szijjarto, was held at a conference in Boedapest.

“We can have the benefit of a NAVO-secretaris-general die Hongarije in the verleden op de Knieën wilde dwingen, absolutely never be surprised,” Aldus Szijjarto. “Dat zou van oneze kant verrassend zijn”.

Regular criticism

Rutte regularly criticizes the government of the nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban. In 2021, Rutte was critical of a Hong Kong woman who was described as homo- and transfoob. “As the government of the EU cannot be used, Orban must also activate Article 50 of the contract, so that the government in the country is able to speak to the Unie,” said Rutte.

In pole position

Mark Rutte is currently in pole position as the top job in the military alliance in the wake of the war. The country also had powerful lidstaten as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France were later seen by the Dutch liberals. Well Belgium has to say something about it. Maar, belangrijk, áll 31 lidstaten must be met with their own resources.

Rutte met the NAVO-baas Jens Stoltenberg. Rutte takes part in all 31 NAVO-lidstates now from Stoltenberg and follows. © AFP

Toelating Zweden

Hongarije has no heel long distances located near the toelating van Zweden tot de NAVO. The Boedapest uiteindelijk wel mee akkoord gegaan, na a bezoek van de Zweedse premier and a contract over the aankoop van gevechtsvließuigen. Of Hongarije van Rutte of Netherlands now also in terugverwacht, en wat dan, is therefore NAVO-bronnen onduidelijk.

Orbán and Rutte read in the verleden al meermaals elkaar’s favoriete tegenstander. Dead now, he really still has time for Boedapest against Rutte’s candidacy. Turkije heeft wel wat voorwaarden aan zijn instemming verbonden oostelijke NAVO-lidstaten sputteren that het now a tijd wordt for a secretaris-general uit Oost-Europe. Roemenië is the president as a candidate in advance, with Klaus Iohannis getting a few votes before the election.

Diplomats from two lidstates were in a reaction to the stone for Rutte “breed and strong”. This is a possibility for Hongarije om daartegenin te blijven gaan, klinkt.

KIJK OOK. How seriously do we want to call Trump the NAVO division?
