Honderdvijigtduizend betogers tegen extreemrechts in Berlin | Buitenland

In Berlin, 150,000 people came because of politics. The organization, the movement hand in hand, the sea in 1,300 organizations is grouped, speaking over the sea in 300,000 employees.

Before that, he was under arrest for 100,000 fraudsters. Bedoeling is from a men’s chain on the front of the Rijksdaggebouw, which the German parliament is wearing, and the motto ‘Wijn de brandmuur’.

There was a three-way trek across the country in Germany, with the bettor’s actions on the street op de zeer conservatieve valuesUnion deelnamen.

Martin Sellner, the owner of the identity movement in Oostenrijk, was informed of the fact that he had spoken about “remigratie”. Right-wing extremists use the word to attack, as a rule, the two people have a large number of people in the country who are not allowed to speak, but also on the other hand. Volgens Correctiv noemde Sellner in Potsdam three different groups: asielzoekers, buitenlanders with verblijfsrecht and “niet geassimileerde staatsburgers”.
