Honderden aanhoudingen bij herdenkingsbijeenkomsten Navalny | Buitenland

The largest arrest warrant in the political arena is September 2022. More than 1,300 activists will join the demonstrations to mobilize reservists for the military in Ukraine.

OVD Info, the report on the vrijheid van vereniging in Russia, zei the most arrestaties plaatsvonden in Sint-Petersburg and Moskou, which Navalny had among the most supporters. In Sint-Petersburg the zaterdagavond 23.00 uur (local tijd) zeker tweehonderd canteens are opgek. The canteens will be housed, and then they will be placed in a monument for printing.

KIJK. Dood Navalny “provocatively van Russia in the West”

Persbureau Reuters kon de aantallen niet direct bevestigen. Politics never wants to provoke. Ook Russian state media reports niets over de herdenkingsbijeenkomsten according to Reuters.

Navalny (47) passed the day in a penalty camp in the north of Russia. There is a prison sentence for the sea in the last year for the prosecution of an ‘extremist group’. Zijn doodsoorzaak is not yet vastly managed. Ok, at this moment, Navalny is not in doubt. The Gevangenisautoriteit heeft gezegd that zijn lichaam naar Salekhard is brought. According to the words of Navalny, the real niet is in the grave in the North-Russian plaats.
