Hond van Biden is a Witte Huis-personeel voor de elfde keer | Buitenland

The American president Joe Biden, a German commander named Commander, has been asked to have a security agent in the Witte House, reports CNN. This was due to the veiligheidsdienst al de elfde keer dat de tweejarige hond nobody beet.

“Gisteren around 20.00 uur kwam a politieagent van de Secret Service Uniformed Division in contact met a huisdier van de First Family and will be asked” to give a wordvoerder van de dienst. “The officer is placed there to be treated by medical personnel.” He was in the middle of a meeting with the agent, Aldus CNN.

Volgens de veiligheidsdienst is Commander “betrokken geweest to at least eleven incidents in the Witte Huis en in Delaware”, which Bidens won as the ze niet in Washington of op rice zijn. There was an incident in October where first lady Jill Biden took control of the dog to the next day and was in charge of the secret service’s personnel. In November 2022, an agent of Zelfs in the ziekenhuis was opgenomen because of praying in the arms and dijen.

KIJK. Biden’s new puppy will wither

Medewerkers van het Witte Huis zeiden in July tegen CNN dat de Bidens na de incidenten bezig waren met nieuwe trainings- en aanlijnprotocolen voor het house. “I know that the bad news is that an agent has been asked to do so,” and this is the personal responsibility of the agents.

Another dog from Biden, called Major, has been involved in two incidents in the Witte House. The German herder left the Witte Huis. In 2021 he will be appointed Commander in the presidency.
