A letter from the American state of Pennsylvania was not sent in an envelope with money from the banks that had been received. The amount of 4,000 dollars (approx. 3,650 euros) was declared for an annex. The characters, Clayton and Carrie Law, have written to each other in different ways and can now be heard from the children in the braaksel of the dog door. This is reported by various Buitenland media.
Begin December nam Clayton Law 4,000 dollars op van de gezamenlijke sparrekening. Hij and zijn vrouw had a hek installeren at his house in Pittsburgh, and the anannemer wilde was betaald in cash. Nadat hij terugkwam van de bank legde hij de gesealde envelop with the money tijdelijk op de keukentafel, with de bedoeling het later op te bergen.
Zo ver kwam het real niet. Approximately a few minutes later from his son Cecil, a 7-year-old boy, he had a golden retriever and a poedel (goldendoodle), with all of him having small pieces of money. “Plotseling wrote Clayton to me: ‘Cecil is $4,000 aan het eten!'”, said Carrie Law in an interview with the Pittsburgh City Paper.
According to his own characteristics, Cecil is a ‘maffe boy’. “Hij is heel bijzonder – je zou a steak on tafel kunnen leggen, en hij zou hem niet aanraken omdat voedsel hem niet interestert,” vertelde ze tegen dagblad ‘The Washington Post’. “Maar blijkbaar interestert geld hem wel.”
Snippers have a braaksel
Terwijl Cecil on the bank has a long-term decision, which means that he has a couple of middellijk de dierenarts and the medical treatment was not needed. That bleek never het geval: ze mostesten his grandson thuis in the gate house. Then began the large puzzle: the various letters were left on the table. If there was anything that could be done, the real one woke up dead. Cecil de Boel had been exhausted.
The bottom of the briefs are really nice. “Het stonk zo”, zei Carrie Law tegen de ‘City Paper’. You can try out the letters from 50 to 100 dollars before you leave them on paper. The bank has the most letters accepted – 450 dollars bleek niet meer terug te halen.
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