Homosexuals and children, psychologists: “The damage is in the stigma”

“Lto scientific literaturenow consolidated, highlights that there are no substantial differences between families with heterosexual parents and those with homosexual parents with respect to raising children».

Psychologists against the Minister of the Family

This was also clearly confirmed by the seven regional orders of psychologists in the letter written to minister of the Eugenia Maria Roccella family.

A missive to contradict what he had said a few days ago, namely that «every child has the right to have a mom and a dad». Adding, moreover, that “all psychologists say so”.

Same-parent families exist and must be protected like the others (Getty Photo)

A child also grows well in same-sex couples

On the contrary, the presidents clarify «studies show that the children of homosexual couples develop similar life paths to those of heterosexual couples.

Emphasizing that what is, instead, ascertained «it is the harmful effect of exposure to prejudicenot so much and not only on homosexuality itself, but on the ability of homosexual couples to express adequate parenting skills”.

It is only the prejudice that can cause discomfort in the child

It is with very decisive sentences that the presidents of the professional associations of psychologists of Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo and Sicily wanted to clarify what scientific research and clinical experience have been affirming for years now.

Focusing, above all, on the aspect of prejudice: «Families with same-sex parents are able to be parents effectively – the presidents affirmed – It is rather the ability of society to do not expose families to stigmatization, prejudice and discriminationthe determining factor for individual well-being and psychological health.

Micaela Ramazzotti: «Everyone must be able to adopt a child.  Even homosexuals and singles»

Scientific studies

Moreover, the most authoritative institutions of psychologists worldwide have expressed themselves in this direction, such as theACAP extensionAmerican Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, theAPsaAthe American Psychoanalytic Association and theAPA extensionthe American Psychological Association.

And, at the Italian level, theAIP extensionthe Italian Association of Psychology which brings together university professors of psychology and which in 2011 he recalled that «what is important for the well-being of children it is the quality of the family environment that their parents provide them, regardless of whether they are cohabiting, separated, remarried, single, of the same sex”.

Homosexual couples, all ways of being a family must be protected

As professionals, psychologists also obviously agree in recognizing “the functional family as one that knows how to offer care, security, protection, support, openness to the different dimensions of human existence”.

But they underline «eThere are so many different ways of being a family: traditional, biological, adoptive, reconstituted, single-parenting and homo-parenting too» and all «deserve the same attention, the same care and the same protections from us professionals and from the State».

