Homophobia made Kiira Korve question herself – “Why am I such a freak?”

Kiira Korpi talks about her sexual orientation in a recent interview with Apu.

Kiira Korpi talked about her sexual orientation in March. MIKKO HUISKO

Former figure skater Kiira Korpi said in a magazine interview in March that she is not straight. Now he talks about the topic and the pain surrounding it in a recent interview with Apu magazine.

– I have always been with men and in long relationships. However, I’ve known for a long time that I like women, but I thought other straight people did too, he says in the magazine.

Korpi has not compartmentalized himself as bi- or pan-sexual, but at least he does not identify himself as straight.

– Although I am really tolerant towards minorities, I found myself experiencing homophobia. That why am I such a freak? It just kept wrestling through.

He tells in Apu how the support of loved ones helped Korpe overcome his thoughts. Now he has a feeling that the next partner will possibly be a woman.

– I’ve learned that if I think like this now, the situation might change.

Korpi got married in 2018 Arthur Borges with. The union ended in divorce in 2021. Korpi has dated since then Pekkawith a man named – and the relationship ended last year.

You can read the entire interview in the print version of Apu magazine.
