Homemade wedding dress

Weaver genius Veronika Lindberg accomplished an almost impossible task and knitted her wedding dress in six weeks.

When he couldn’t find a suitable wedding dress, the weaving genius decided to make the wedding dress himself. Jukka Heino

Veronika Lindberg34, first thought of getting a ready-made wedding dress, but couldn’t find a suitable option.

Knit this! The weaver genius who wrote the book 21 charming knitting instructions decided to knit himself a suit. He did a great job in just six weeks.

Anyone who does handicrafts knows that making a wedding dress in six weeks is an almost impossible task. Miraculously, however, Veronika managed to do it.

The project has gathered interest around the world. A video of the process of making a wedding dress, published just a few days ago, has garnered attention Already 1.6 million views on YouTube. More of them are constantly popping up.

Veronika knitted her wedding dress for about 45 days. Jukka Heino

The story behind the quick process of making a wedding dress is heartfelt.

– It all started when we found the detached house of our dreams after a long search, Veronika begins.

At first, my spouse and I discussed the wonderful housewarming parties that would soon be organized there. Veronika’s spouse thought that why not organize a wedding and a housewarming party at the same time.

Veronika was excited about the idea and soon a wedding was planned in connection with the move. The wedding day and the housewarming party were arranged just seven weeks later.

– Mother and sister immediately asked if I was going to knit the wedding dress myself.

At first, Veronika thought it was too much work on top of everything else. She tried to find the dress by researching different online stores. However, I couldn’t find exactly the right one.

In the end, Veronika ended up knitting the wedding dress herself. It was time to order the threads and design your own dream wedding dress.

Veronika is known among weavers as Kika. If you don’t see the embed, you can view the post from here.

This meant that there would be many days ahead when Veronika would just sit and knit. She also carried her wedding dress everywhere with her. You may have seen Veronika knitting in the capital area, both in cafes and on buses.

– Fortunately, nothing spilled on it, Veronika commented with a laugh.

It took a total of 45 days and about 180–200 hours to make the wedding dress.

– On average, I knit for about 4–5 hours a day, but sometimes I knit for up to 12 hours during the day.

The wedding dress has a lot of wonderful details that Veronika has designed herself. Jukka Heino

Making the wedding dress contained a lot of feelings of success, but in the very last meters, stress and fatigue had taken over and Veronika had to cover quite a distance.

Because of the dismantling, he had at least five hours of extra work ahead of him.

Despite the move, organizing the wedding and the pressure to publish her new book, Veronika finished her wedding dress just a few days before the wedding.

– I was always nervous about how the wedding dress would look and how it would fall, says Veronika.

The knitted wedding dress came through so much that Veronika sewed a silky petticoat under it herself.

The silk threads for Veronika’s wedding dress cost about 300 euros, and the fabrics for the silk petticoat below cost about 90 euros.

The huge amount of work was over and it was time to put on the finished wedding dress.

– It was an absolutely amazing feeling, Veronika sums up.

The materials for the wedding dress cost a total of around 390 euros. Jukka Heino

The wedding dress looked amazing. The bride-to-be was proud of herself. He had accomplished an almost impossible task.

– I hope people will see that you can create real fashion by knitting.

Veronika’s wedding dress received a lot of compliments during the day. Compliments have also come through social media.

– This is a great memory for the rest of your life, Veronika sums up.
