Home SPORT | This is the SPORT cover for this Sunday, June 19

06/19/2022 at 00:12


Laporta has transmitted to Raphinha that his signing will be done without problems when there is financial muscle

Dembélé, Lucy Bronze and the vital Barça basketball match are also protagonists

Raphinha OK is the main headline on the SPORT cover this Sunday, June 19. Laporta has conveyed to the Brazilian winger that he is a key signing for Xavi and guarantees you will have financial muscle to deal with their incorporation. The Barça of basket occupies the other main news in his party to life or death in the Wizink.

The surprising statements of Dembélé who says he feels very good in Barcelonathe signing of Lucy Bronze for the women’s and the final of the handball Champions for Barça in search of the Undécima also monopolize their protagonism on the cover. The Barça of futsal and the possible promotions of Girona football and basketball complete this Sunday.
