Home pedicure, 5 mistakes not to be made

gJune, time for pedicures. And if you don’t always want to resort to the professional one, a home pedicure is the best alternative to tidy them up. Between relaxing footbaths, detoxifying scrubs and emollient creams, how to proceed to avoid mistakes. Avoiding, first of all, 5 mistakes.

Home pedicure: the 5 most common mistakes that are made

1.Trimming the nail too short

It is a mistake that is very often made and which can cause minor discomfort, especially if the edges of the nail are also cut. In fact, this part should never be touched by the scissors: rather, prefer a lime to give a rounded shape. Scissors & Co tend to cut corners too sharply, with the risk of favor ingrown nails.

It’s also important to pay attention to your cuticles, a factor on which the precision of the shape of the enamel depends. Always soften them with an emollient cream or oil left on or with a salt-based footbath. Instead of cutting them gently push them out or in with an orange stick.

2. Not exfoliating well. Or enough

Dryness and calluses must always be eliminated, even with a simple home pedicure. Spatulas and rasps are the “tools of the trade”, from never use on dry feet.

There skin should always be softened so as to eliminate all dryness much easier without leaving signs of abrasion. So in ordering: first we proceed with a footbath or a scrub, then we pass the spatula or the rasp to finish the job. Finally, it is essential to apply a moisturizer to nourish the skin.

3. Do not apply the base coat

Before applying the nail polish, it is always better to apply a base. In fact, toenails tend to be more fragile, irregular and flake due to shoes, so a strengthener is always helpful. In particular, those with vitamins A and E are indicated because they stimulate stronger growth.

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Be careful not spread too much base on the nail, better to avoid unnecessary thicknesses. Also, before applying the nail polish, always make sure that the base is really dry.

4. Keeping the polish too long

The constant use of nail polishes can cause a yellowing of the nail due to the penetration of the colored pigments which alter its natural colour.

Because of this it is always better to leave a few days off between one application and another so that the nail can “breathe” without losing clarity and transparency. During this time, the nail can be smoothed and milled to grow its natural color.

5. Do not clean tools

Tools should always be clean, even if it’s only us who use them. Stone pumice, spatula and rasps should be air dried: never leave them in the shower, where humidity allows the proliferation of mold and germs.

Metal tools should be washed after each use: first proceed with soap and water then, after having dried them well, they are immersed for about 10 minutes in cetylpyridinium chloridea disinfectant available in pharmacies that eliminates any bacteria and fungi that cause onychomycosis.

