Home | Mariachi Bastards

The Mariachi Rock Genre

The brand-new Berlin-based 7-piece rock band brings back to life a long-forgotten concept once made successful by Tarantino and Rodríguez: Mexican music and rock.

With the frontman’s music background both as a mariachi and rock singer, his powerful and versatile voice soars through his whole range from full-chest notes to screaming in high-pitched rock falsetto and mariachi yells, the band has a very unique sound to offer.

Mashing up elements of mexican boleros, huapangosand salsas aand turning them into badass classic rock pieces; taking what would be violin arrangements and turning them into blaring electric guitar and synth lines, yet keeping the sound of two-harmonied trumpets which is essential for that incomparable mexican flavor, their songs are both catchy and musically rich.

Re-designing the traditional mariachi costume, they wear black jeans and leader vests instead of suits, with original charro botonaduras (silver horseman buttonry), sombrero, boots and a half-face-painted Dia de Muertos make up.

From the point of view of a half-dead Mariachi Bastard, their lyrics reflect our modern society in which good music is rare and even the dead are governed by our social stigmas.

The Mariachi Bastards are here to show the world the true meaning of Mariachi skirt.


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