Holstein Kiel | Rapp extends, Stöver goes

Marcel Rapp has extended his contract with Holstein Kiel, managing director Uwe Stöver has announced his departure: While coach Rapp will stay with the second division soccer team on the fjord until 2026, Stöver will part ways at the end of the season. The 56-year-old informed his club of his decision early on.

“After a long period of careful consideration, I decided to end my work at Holstein Kiel in the summer after a total of about five and a half years,” said Stöver: “But now it is important to continue to compete in this still young season with all the meticulousness and concentration “To be able to say ‘Kiel ahoy’ with the best possible placement and a sporting area that is well positioned for the future.”

This also includes the extension of Rapp, who led the team to the top group of the league with a strong start to the season. “I am very keen to continue shaping the sporting path initiated by the squad change in the summer together with my great team and thus contribute to the development of this club in the medium to long term,” said Stöver.
